By Isaiah Das & Matilda Huang
For more than 10 years, we’ve made the daily commute from home to Graham White Drive. While it is always a rush and challenge to rouse the children and get them ready for school, over the years this has become something that we look forward to more and more each day.
Across the past decade, all four of our little ones have attended The Ascension Kindergarten (AK), now Little Seeds Preschool (Church of the Ascension). And as we have seen our children transit from preschool, to primary school and into secondary school, the moments and memories of preschool life in AK have become all the more precious.
AK as a safe haven

“God is our safe place and our strength” Psalm 46:1 (NLV)
Oftentimes, life is most appreciated looking back. There is something special about these younger years, as children are stepping into their first formal learning environment. But more than a rigorous curriculum, what stands out most in AK, is the sense of peace and calm that permeates the school. AK for us has always felt like a safe haven, a place where the teachers constantly shower our children with care and demonstrate God’s love.
It is a place where children learn and grow in love, mistakes are encouraged and learning and self-expression are welcomed. Our little ones can be themselves and above all, they learn, experience and live out God’s love.
AK as a channel of God’s Word

‘Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have perfected praise’?” Matthew 21:16 NKJV
The early years are crucial formative years because children at this age go through rapid development physically, cognitively and emotionally. As our children are so young, they take in everything that they are exposed to. It is thus pertinent that they are taught and shown the right values to build strong foundations. With the long hours that our children spend in school, we are very grateful for the Christian education that AK provided and continues to impart under Little Seeds Preschool.
To start the day with a prayer, to learn to give thanks to God and others around us, to model after kindness and to show love – aren’t these values that we want our children to carry for life? Above academic abilities, we know that it is these values and a reliance on our Heavenly Father that are more important in helping our children through the ups and downs of life.
We believe the songs and stories that they sing and hear every day have been planted firmly in their hearts. Every now and then, our little one will ask us to play a worship song that they learnt in school! It warms our hearts so much to know that they are in an environment of praying teachers and singing children!
AK as a house of memories

“The memory of the righteous is a blessing” Proverbs 10:7 ESV
We enjoy the opportunity to hear from our little ones about their day in school every day. They have so much to say and it requires an intentional effort from us as parents to store these precious words and memories for the future.
One of the key milestones was the annual AK concerts. We remember how much our first two children enjoyed dressing up, wearing make-up and the chance to perform!
Every parent in the hall was so eager to capture photos and videos of the concerts. Each year’s concert reminded us of how much our little ones have grown!
Another special memory was this year’s special Teacher’s Day celebration where the principal Ms Wong Wei Sum took great effort to get parents to be volunteers for a secret party which the teachers didn’t know about. It was such a joy to see the children playing the games with their teachers!
AK as a community of friendship

“A friend loves at all times…” Proverbs 17:17 ESV
Coming to AK has been special not just for the children but for us parents too. We have had the joy of becoming friends with many other parents who continue to send their little ones to LSP (COA)! Till today, we are still friends with parents one decade after our oldest first attended AK!
Farewell AK, you are always in our hearts

Coming back to AK always feels like we are coming home. It is such a happy place, with the laughter of children ringing down the hallways and little feet jumping and stomping away.
As our youngest graduates this year, we feel like we are graduating from AK along with him. It has been a decade of coming to school daily, saying hello to friends and teachers, yet it continues to bring us joy. In AK, we grew from young parents who had no idea what to expect, to parents with a bit more idea of what is to come. We are wistful and a little sad that we will no longer step into the premises as often as before.
To young parents who are thinking about where to enrol their children or even those who still have their little ones in LSP, my encouragement is to enjoy each day because these moments are so special. While it is a joy to watch our children grow and mature, yet there is something magical about these younger years that we cannot replicate in the future. While we eagerly watch them grow up, let’s remember not to let them (or us) grow old! Enjoy it because the “days are long, but indeed the years are so short”.
To find out more about our preschools, visit
Isaiah Das & Matilda Huang are parents of three alumni of The Ascension Kindergarten and one current K2 student at Little Seeds Preschool (Church of the Ascension).