By Loo Yin Ci
If you had asked me during my formative years, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”, becoming a preschool educator would not have been an obvious answer. I never imagined myself as a teacher. My decision to pursue early childhood education started as a pragmatic choice when filling out my Joint Application Exercise form after completing my ‘O’ Levels in 2012, where it was ranked fourth out of twelve options. When I received my posting from MOE, I simply went along with it. A decision had been made, and it was time to move forward with life.
Expectation vs. Reality
Learning about early childhood was fun for the most part; I enjoyed learning about the theoretical aspect of child development and interacting with children during my field placements. However, applying theory to practice proved to be a challenge for me. Looking at my peers who seemed to exude great passion in this industry made me reconsider whether I wanted this to be my lifelong career.
After completing my diploma in 2016, I had two choices; I could either further my studies or go straight into the workforce. I was still unsure of whether early childhood was the career for me, but I didn’t know any other alternatives. However, God answered that question through His grace and provision. I was granted a spot in Wheelock College (Singapore)’s final cohort for their early childhood degree programme.

Being in Wheelock College opened my eyes to the early childhood industry. There was so much more to the industry than just teaching and the traditional career paths I had imagined! Even if I did not want to continue as a teacher in the long run, I learnt that there were other opportunities available. However, before exploring those options, I had to first serve a 3-year bond at a preschool, as I had received the ECDA Training Award.
I was set and excited to start my career as a preschool educator, joining a renowned preschool upon graduating Wheelock in 2018. There, I experienced many ‘firsts’, such as teaching the early years (2 – 3 year old) children, and conducting Home-Based Learning with them during the Covid pandemic in 2020. It was a steep learning curve, but I enjoyed my work, building relationships with children and their families, and exploring new things every day with them.
A fork in the road

In 2021, changes at work that left me feeling confused and jaded. Something felt missing. By that point, I had completed my bond but I realised that despite being in the early childhood industry for nearly 8-9 years, I never actually figured out why I was in early childhood.
I felt like a leaf carried by the wind, drifting wherever it led me. I did the work assigned to me, but I never truly understood why I was a preschool educator or what God’s purpose was for me in this role.
Over the next year, I prayed to God, “Lord, show me where You want me to go. Show me who You want me to be”. Through that season of seeking and praying, God revealed His purpose to me: to be an example and to help others to grow.
With the revelation of my why, I was now searching for my how. How could I be the example that God wanted me to be? Should I stay in my current role, or was it time for a fresh start somewhere else?

As I reflected on my journey, I recalled my days at Wheelock College. I remembered being taught by Dr. Jacqueline Chung who was Principal of St. James’ Church Kindergarten (SJCK), and being blessed by the sharing of her knowledge, expertise and faith.
I reached out to an old university classmate who I knew worked at SJCK, and thereafter Little Seeds Preschool (Capstone). Through our conversations, she shared about the curriculum, such as teaching Christian values through daily Bible Stories and songs, as well as a culture of weekly staff devotions at Anglican Preschool Services.
I was also intrigued by the inclusive nature of Anglican Preschool Services (APS), where children with additional needs were welcomed. Hence, I decided to apply for a job there. Through God’s divine intervention, I was posted to LSP (Capstone) in December 2022, the same preschool as my university classmate!
A new journey of growth

Starting anew in a new space evoked feelings of excitement and anxiety. I had no idea of what to expect. However, I had little to worry about as I started my time at LSP (Capstone) warmly welcomed by everyone; from my fellow colleagues, to the children and even their families!
I received much support from my colleagues when I needed help in understanding the curriculum. Our weekly staff devotions provided me with the breath of fresh air to spiritually recharge and reset, where we can share our spiritual journeys and offer prayer support as a team. I quickly felt a sense of peace and assurance that this was where God was going to use me for His purpose.
At APS, our purpose is to grow children into their God-given identity. Likewise, I was also experiencing growth as an educator, both inwardly and outwardly.
Being in a faith-based environment has allowed me to see things from God’s perspective, and to put my faith into action.
For instance, when helping children to resolve conflicts, I encourage them to consider the ways of Jesus, to show forgiveness and love towards their friends.
These values of love and forgiveness may be hard for children to comprehend immediately. However, through role-modelling, and sharing of Bible stories, I could see the children under my care, growing to be more accepting individuals, trying their best to emulate the values they have learnt.

These faith conversations bleed into our curriculum as well. It was refreshing to be able to integrate Christian values into the children’s projects and learning. Recently, my K2 class just concluded our Term 3 ‘Topic of Inquiry’ (TOI) project on the concept of ‘Stories’. Over the course of the project, the children learnt that people tell stories to share about what they know and care about.
When I asked the children, ‘What do you care about?’, the usual answers of ‘friends’, ‘family’, ‘animals’ came up. I was pleasantly surprised and moved when one of them shouted “I care about Jesus!”, and the rest of the children responded with great excitement. This excitement prompted one group to create a faith-based storybook for our project, which was well-received by their parents during our Project Showcase in August.
From career to calling

I have been in APS for more than two years now, and working here has allowed me to see teaching through God’s eyes.
I don’t see my role as a preschool educator simply as a ‘job’. Everything that I do at work has a greater purpose.
I don’t do it just because I have to, I do it because I am serving a God, who has placed these children under my care, to sow seeds and transform lives.
In Colossians, it says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for man”. I look forward to seeing where God leads me in APS, and to serve Him in obedience, just like how Jesus did.
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Loo Yin Ci is a K2 English teacher at Little Seeds Preschool (Capstone)